Serbajadi Long Bean – Kacang Panjang (Leguminosae)
Vigna sesquipedalis (Leguminosae) – Long bean (also known as string bean) is an annual climbing herb and is a very popular legume. The stems climb in an anticlockwise direction bearing trifoliate leaves. Young pods and leaves are eaten as vegetables and are added to numerous traditional dishes. Usually fried or cooked in curries, long beans are also mixed in salads. Long beans are rich in Vitamin A and C and calcium.
Type of vegetable: Seeds bearing pods
Edible parts: Fleshy green immature pods and leaves
Best soil: Do best in full sun on fertile, slightly alkaline soil, improved with plenty of organic matter. The plant tolerates acid soils and can be grown in areas with very low rainfall.
How to plant: Long bean should be grown in beds. Erect appropriate supports before sowing or planting out to avoid damaging young plants.
When to harvest: About two weeks after flowering when the immature pods are fleshy, yet brittle, so harvest frequently; this also encourages greater yields. Beans are at their tastiest when pods are full sized and firm and freshly picked.
How to harvest: Cut pods with a pair of scissors.
Care: Water generously when flowering starts, to encourage pods to set. Avoid applying too much nitrogen-rich fertiliser. Leave the nutrient-rich roots to break down in the soil after harvest.
Keep away from children and pets.
Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.