Serbajadi Amaranth Perfect Red – spp. ( Amaranthaceae )
Commonly known as Chinese spinach, this vegetable is not hard to recognize given its striking red leaves that concentrate at the crown of a long stem. Not only is red-leaved Amaranth flavoursome, it is inexpensive and can be grown quite easily in your garden. It is considered one of the world’s healthiest vegetables and exceptionally nutritious. Both the leaves and stems are edible, and delicious. The plant should be washed well and the leaves pulled off the stems before cooking. The stem is usually peeled before it is cooked. It can be steamed, simmered in soups, or cooked in coconut milk with root vegetables such as sweet potato or pumpkin.
Type of vegetable: Leafy
Edible parts: Leaves; shoots, stems
Best soil: A light, sandy, well-drained and fertile soil.
How to plant: The seeds should be sown very thinly on soil. Seedlings, when they sprout, should be planted about 3-6 inches apart.
When to harvest: 30 days after sowing of seeds when leaves are 6” to 8” (15-25 cm) tall.
How to harvest: For greens, use whole plant when they are small; carefully pull out whole plant from the ground. For large plants, cut off 3” to 4” from base of stems
Care: Keep soil moist. Weed regularly. Nitrogenous fertilisers are required during active growth.
Keep away from children and pets.
Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.