
SERBAJADI Curly Wrap Pak Choy Seeds / Biji Benih Pak Choy Kerinting Pendek / 包心白菜种子 (BBS062) (+/- 180 Vegetable Seeds)


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Curly Wrap Pak Choy – Brassica rapa L. subspecies chinesis

Curly Dwarf Pak Choy is a Chinese vegetable that’s easy to grow. This type of non-heading dwarf cabbage grows quickly and is widely and popularly grown in the orient. The leaves are curly and widen out at the base and the petioles are white and thickened. This whole vegetable is used extensively in cooking for their juicy and crunchy texture, either braised, boiled, steamed or stir-fried. It’s a favorite in a wide variety of Chinese and Asian stir-fry recipes.

Type of vegetable: Leafy

Edible parts: Leaves, crunchy leaf stalks and young flowering shoots



Best soil: Plant Curly Dwarf Pak Choy in rich and loose garden soil. It is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions including soils with high acidity but does not thrive in well drained soils as it matures rapidly.

How to plant: Plant Curly Dwarf Pak Choy is grown from seeds.  The seeds can be directly seeded into your garden, or seeded indoors for transplanting later. Sow seeds and cover lightly with 1/4″ or less of fine garden or seed starting soil. Seeds germinate in 7- 10 days. Space or thin plants to 6″ – 10″ apart in rows 18″ – 30″ apart.

When to harvest: At 28-30 days after sowing; it can be used at virtually any stage. Harvest plants when they have reached 12″ – 18″ tall, when the leaves and leaf stalks look fresh and crisp.

How to harvest: By cutting whole head above ground level.

Care: Keep the soil moist. Curly Dwarf Pak Choy needs plenty of water in warm temperatures.  Nitrogenous top dressing is required at regular intervals to obtain full leaf development. Keep plants well weeded. It is strongly recommend that you don’t plant Curly Dwarf Pak Choy in an area where other members of the cabbage family have been grown in the past two years. This will help to minimize plant disease. Wash the leaves before eating.



Keep away from children and pets.

Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg